Friday, December 12, 2014

The Godfather Review

During the summer of 1999, I worked part time at the local library, a minimum wage, 12 hours a week gig during high school to get some extra cash to waste. My favorite part of each shift was the last few minutes before we closed, when I would take a stroll over to the DVD section and browse for what I wanted to watch later that night. During my brief tenure in that position, my film universe exploded from what was a limited Star Wars only existence into being overwhelmed by classic cinema so powerful and unique that, to be honest, I don't think I was ready for it yet. I would screen films at 2 AM in my basement, and I remember enjoying them, but the appreciation for what I was truly witnessing didn't seem to be there. One of those films was The Godfather, and tonight I experienced my first re-watch.

Despite only one previous viewing, I could remember specific scenes clearly with vivid detail so I knew the film left an impression on me, but honestly I feel as if I just finished experiencing it for the first time. I could sit here all night going through every scene, using 40 different adjectives that all essentially mean the same thing, but really it all boils down to this: The Godfather is iconic. It is a perfect cinematic experience. It is the type of film that most filmmakers will spend their entire lives trying to create a work that is as legendary and important, but will never even come close.

Not only one of the greatest achievements of all time, but also one of my favorite single viewings of a film ever. I was locked in to every word, every extraordinary set piece, every note of a breathtaking score, and I loved every second of this lengthy but never bloated film. Tonight I was treated to a quiet house and a cold breeze flowing through the window next to me, and I couldn't have been more content.

The Godfather truly is one of the greatest films ever made.



  1. When I was younger I also could not appreciate this film. As I got older that changed radically as I got to the same conclusion you had. It's a masterpiece.

    1. Exactly Michael. When I was younger, I would watch great films and I would love some of them, but I could never really elaborate or truly understand why. Now I see so much more and the depth of my appreciation goes so much further than it would have back then,
